The Matchmaking Academy
Whatever your current walk of life or occupation, on occasions you may feel you are under the influence of a greater power urging you in a particular direction or towards a vocation or calling and on occasions that can be matchmaking and utilising that special skill of bringing people together.
Maybe it is something that you have only tried amongst friends, work colleagues or at dinner parties thus far but nonetheless you know you have it and it may well be something that nags away at you to use more often.
An Overview
The Dating Industry has shown continued growth in recent years, and has continued to do so even during the Covid-19 pandemic. Many people who are dissatisfied with online dating with its inherrent drawbacks, are now looking towards dating agencies to find their soulmate.
The choice of dating agencies and finding the “right-fit” can be daunting for all but the highly experienced. This has opened the doors to a new service, one that brings the searcher into a friendly and personal environment that best suits their needs, and continues to help them until they have fulfilled their mission, to find the right partner.
In recognition of this growing demand, we have set up our organisation to train those who we believe suitable, in carrying out this in-demand service. With a wealth of experience in this field, Dating Options Ltd. is now offering its professional training to interested parties.
We can assure you that if you decide to join us, there is a great deal of satisfaction to be gained from helping someone on their journey to finding the right partner, as many of our experienced dating coaches will agree.
Time To Control Your Future!
Sometimes in life we reach a certain age or point in our careers when the urge to do something different and for ourselves becomes very strong. For some that might be the thought of utilising that skill special skill that we know we have professionally and to look for a career in Personal Matchmaking or even starting off our own Dating Agency.

Want To Join The Matchmaking Academy?
Whether you are interested in gaining more knowledge and becoming an accredited Matchmaker at the end of your training. Taking things more seriously by actively seeking a role within the Personal Matchmaking industry after qualification or you actually would like to start your own Personal Matchmaking or Dating Agency, then The Matchmaking Academy could be perfect for you.
We have brought together some of the best brains in the business and quite simply unrivalled experience and pedigrees to help and support you through the process of becoming a qualified Personal Matchmaker and Dating Expert ready to succeed and generate happiness for your clients in abundance.
Matchmaking Academy
Bronze- A 2 day course in a central location
- The History of the UK Matchmaking Industry
- Getting to know the Marketplace and Competition
- Interviewing and Building a Client Profile
- Matchmaking Procedures and Protocols
- Handling Hard to Match Clients
- Choosing a website and using technology
Matchmaking Academy
Gold- A 5 day course in a central location
- The History of the UK Matchmaking Industry
- Getting to know the Marketplace and Competition
- Advertising and Marketing your Business
- The Psychology of Selling Personal Matchmaking
- Why People Buy Our Products
- Interviewing and Building a Client Profile
- Matchmaking Procedures and Protocols
- Handling Hard to Match Clients
- Choosing a website and using technology
- Using our Duo Matchmaking Technology for Sales and Matchmaking
Matchmaking Academy
Silver- A 3 day course in a central location
- The History of the UK Matchmaking Industry
- Getting to know the Marketplace and Competition
- Advertising and Marketing your Business
- Recruiting and Building a Database
- Interviewing and Building a Client Profile
- Matchmaking Procedures and Protocols
- Handling Hard to Match Clients
- Choosing a website and using technology

Want More Information?
If that has ever been a thought that you have had, then we’d love to hear from you and to talk you through the options that you have, whether it is merely exploring possibilities and finding out more, or if you are now beyond that stage putting down actual plans to progress things. Either way the Matchmaking Academy could be a way of getting you started. Click the button below for more information or ring us on 0845 2303199.